Sky Inside UK is dedicated to enhancing the well-being and comfort of patients during their recovery period. We understand the critical role that a well-regulated Circadian Rhythm™ plays in the healing process. That's why we are excited to introduce our ground breaking Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating programming feature, developed in collaboration with the neuro sciences team at the Walton Centre, Stoke University Hospital, and other trusted healthcare institutions.

Benefits for healthcare


The circadian rhythm, often called our "body clock," is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and other essential bodily functions over a 24-hour period. It is synchronised with the day-night cycle, helping us stay alert during the day and sleep restfully at night.

Maintaining a healthy Circadian Rhythm™ is crucial for overall well-being, as it influences not only sleep patterns but also various physiological processes, including hormone production, body temperature, and cognitive function. Disruptions to this rhythm can lead to a host of health issues, particularly in the context of patient recovery.

Delirium is a common and distressing complication that can affect patients in recovery wards. It is characterised by confusion, disorientation and altered perception, making the healing process more challenging. The development of our Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating program was inspired by the need to reduce the post-operative effects of delirium and promote a smoother recovery experience.


One of the standout features of Sky Inside’s Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating program is its flexibility. It draws on the understanding that each patient is unique, and their Circadian Rhythm™ may require different adjustments. Entirely adjustable systems meet the specific requirements of each patient, ensuring that their rhythm aligns seamlessly with the natural day-night cycle.

Fully automated scenes mimic the transitions between dawn, day, dusk, and night, replicating the visual cues that our bodies naturally respond to. This innovative approach makes it possible to regulate a patient's body clock, regardless of whether they are in a coma or fully awake.

The magic of our system lies in its ability to engage the third receptor in the eye, initiating the process of resetting the Circadian Rhythm.™ This means that even patients in comatose states can benefit from the gentle yet powerful influence of Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating programming.


At Sky Inside UK, we understand that quality sleep is a fundamental component of the healing process. Properly regulated Circadian Rhythms™ can significantly improve sleep quality, leading to faster recovery times and reduced complications. By addressing the post-operative effects of delirium and promoting natural sleep patterns, our Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating program is a game-changer in the world of patient care.

Incorporating Sky Inside UK's Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating programming feature alongside feature windows or Living Skies™ is a decision rooted in patient-centred care. Driven by the commitment to advance technology to benefit both patients and healthcare professionals continually, Sky Inside continues to seek paths of improvement. To learn more about our Circadian Rhythm™ Regulating program and its transformative potential, explore our website and connect with us today.